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Free Tools

Access powerful coaching tools for free – download our worksheets and take action on your goals!
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Abundant Farmer

Abundant Farmer

360 brainstorming exercise to identify all the potential deserving ways in achieving the most important goals.
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Lag, Lead, Lift

Lag, Lift, Lead

Template to identify and crystalize the most import outcomes called the LAG (Key Performance Indicators) Harvest, critical key recuring actions called the Lead and one time game changers called the Lift.
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Vision, Mission & Values

Vision, Mission, Values

Step by step brainstorming exercise to formulate vision, mission, and values.
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A One Page Business planning template with descriptions to articulate a full business plan on one page.
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Tyranny of the Urgent

Tyranny of the Urgency

Rings of Complexity journey illustration to move from the Tyranny of the Urgent and the resistance that occurs under the water line as we move from “reactivity” to “responding”.
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Gamification with ProAdvisorCoach

Gamification with
ProAdvisorCoach Presentation

Overview presentation of the three critical steps required to gamify your business and create absolute focus for you and your team.
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20 Going on 50, Bridging the Multigenerational Gaps

20 Going On 50

Focuses on bridging the multigenerational gap between multiple generations. We highlight special guests such as CEOs, entrepreneurs, business owners, influencers, and more in the hope to find how they became successful, how do they deal with life outside of business, and what’s their strengths and weaknesses.